templates/tour/index_by_category.html.twig line 907

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  901.                                     <option {% if duration_range is defined and duration_range == 3 %}selected{% endif %} value="3">{% trans %}21 jours ou plus{% endtrans %}</option>
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  907.                                     <option selected hidden value="#">{% trans %}Choisir un thème{% endtrans %}</option>
  908.                                     {# {{ render(url('render_theme_collection', { 
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  912.                                         'value': category|default(null)
  913.                                         } 
  914.                                     )) }}  #}
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  965.                             'duree' : duration_range
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  975.             </div>
  976.         </div>
  977.         <div class="row justify-content-center mx-0">
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  984.                                 {% if country.libelle != "Birmanie - Myanmar" %}
  985.                                     <option value="{{country.slug}}">{{country.libelle}}</option>
  986.                                 {% endif %}
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  1056.                                 </div>
  1057.                             </div>
  1059.                         </div>  
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  1064.                         {% set avisSurLesVoyagesEn = {
  1065.                             1 : "Les avis sur les voyages en Thaïlande" | trans,
  1066.                             2 : "Les avis sur les voyages en Indonésie" | trans,
  1067.                             3 : "Les avis sur les voyages au Cambodge" | trans,
  1068.                             4 : "Les avis sur les voyages au Sri Lanka" | trans,
  1069.                             5 : "Les avis sur les voyages au Vietnam" | trans,
  1070.                             6 : "Les avis sur les voyages aux Philippines" | trans,
  1071.                             7 : "Les avis sur les voyages en Malaisie" | trans,
  1072.                             8 : "Les avis sur les voyages au Laos" | trans,
  1073.                             9 : "Les avis sur les voyages en Chine" | trans,
  1074.                             10 : "Les avis sur les voyages en Birmanie - Myanmar" | trans,
  1075.                             12 : "Les avis sur les voyages au Népal" | trans
  1076.                         } %}
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  1080.                                 <div class="avisContainerTitle text-uppercase font-weight-bold text-white pt-5">{{ "Les avis sur les voyages"| trans }}</div>
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  1082.                                     {% for temoignage in temoignages %}
  1083.                                     <div class="d-flex temoignage" style="">
  1084.                                         <div class="d-flex temoignageImage">
  1085.                                             <a href="{#{{ path('tour_show', {'slug': temoignage.voyage_slug })}}#}" title="{{ temoignage.voyage_libelle}}">
  1086.                                                 {#% set urlImage = "https://picsum.photos/seed/picsum/200/300" %#}
  1088.                                                 {% set urlImage = api_base_path ~ '/uploads/' ~ temoignage.image_entite ~ '/' ~ temoignage.image_path %}
  1090.                                                 <img class="loadingSpeed" data-link="{{ urlImage }}" style="width:100px;height:100px; object-fit:cover;border-radius:60px !important;" alt="{#{{ temoignage.voyage_libelle}}#}" src="{{ urlImage }}"/>
  1091.                                             </a>
  1092.                                             <span class="text-white lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.temoignage_auteur }}</small></span>
  1093.                                         </div>
  1094.                                         <div class="text-white temoignageContent">
  1096.                                             <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.pays_libelle|striptags|truncate(130, true)|raw }}</small></p>
  1097.                                             <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.voyage_libelle|striptags|truncate(130, true)|raw }}</small></p>
  1098.                                             <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.temoignage_date|date('d/m/Y')}} Par Odasie</small></p>
  1100.                                             <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.temoignage_contenu|striptags|truncate(130, true)|raw }}.</small></p>
  1101.                                             <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.temoignage_points_forts|striptags|truncate(130, true)|raw }}</small></p>
  1102.                                         </div>
  1103.                                     </div>
  1104.                                     <hr>
  1106.                                     {% endfor %}
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  1109.                                             <img src="{{ asset('assets/v3/images/Ellipse2.png') }}" alt="" srcset="">
  1110.                                             <p class="text-center lineHnormal"><small>Phil - 28 ans</small></p>
  1111.                                         </div>
  1112.                                         <div class="ml-3 mr-2">
  1113.                                             <p class="titleActu"><b>Parcs nationaux et randonnées à Chiang Mai : 3 lieux à visiter.</b></p>
  1114.                                             <p class="lineHnormal"><small>11/04/2023 Par Odasie</small></p>
  1115.                                             <p class="lineHnormal"><small>Si vous souhaitez profiter de votre voyage en Thaïlande pour admirer les paysages verdoyants du nord, un trek en pleine nature est l’idéal. Entre parcs nationaux, temples, cascades, éléphants sauvages et autres surprises, votre balade sur les sentiers…</small></p>
  1116.                                             <p class="lineHnormal"><small>Lire la suite</small></p>
  1117.                                         </div>
  1118.                                     </div> #}
  1120.                                 </div>
  1121.                             </div>
  1122.                         </div>
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  1130.                                     </div>
  1131.                                 </div> 
  1132.                                 {% endif %}
  1133.                             </div>
  1134.                         </div>
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  1147.                     <span class="h1">Actus & Avis</span>
  1148.                 </div>
  1149.             </div>
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  1166.                                     'agentTours': false,
  1167.                                     } 
  1168.                         )) }}
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  1173.                         <span class="h2">DERNIERS AVIS</span>
  1174.                         <div class="mt-4 scroller" style="overflow-y:scroll; height:inherit;">
  1175.                             {% for temoignage in temoignages|slice(0, 5) %}
  1176.                                 {% include "_temoignage_apercu.html.twig" %}
  1177.                             {% endfor %}
  1178.                         </div>
  1180.                     </div>
  1182.                     <div>
  1183.                         {# <div class="d-flex justify-content-center mt-2">
  1184.                             <a class="linkNormal" href="#">Voir tout les avis</a>
  1185.                         </div> #}
  1186.                     </div>
  1187.                 </div>
  1188.             </div>
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  1196.                     </div>
  1197.                 </div>
  1198.                 <div class="col-4 mt-4 d-flex justify-content-center text-dark">
  1199.                     <a href="{{ path('review_index') }}" class="default-button white-button temoignages-button">Voir tous les avis</a>
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  1201.             </div>
  1202.             <div class="row">
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  1205.                     <span class="mr-3" style="width: 20%;text-align:end">
  1206.                         <b>Vous disposez d’un petit budget ?</b>
  1207.                         <p class="lineHnormal mt-2">Voyages en petit groupe, promotions du moment, gardez un oeil sur cet espace où nous mettrons en avant nos offres les plus avantageuses!</p>
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  1219.                 <div class="text-center">
  1220.                     <span class="h1">Actus & Avis</span>
  1221.                 </div>
  1222.             </div>
  1223.         </div> #}
  1224.         <div class="d-block d-md-none row pt-5">
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  1234.                             } 
  1235.                 )) }}
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  1237.         </div>
  1238.         <div class="d-block d-md-none mt-5">
  1239.             <span class="h2 ml-2">DERNIERS AVIS</span>
  1240.             <div class="d-flex flex-column align-items-center mt-3 scroller">
  1241.             {% for temoignage in temoignages|slice(0, 5) %}
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  1243.                     <div class="d-flex flex-column">
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  1245.                         {% set urlImage = api_base_path ~ '/uploads/' ~ temoignage.image_entite ~ '/' ~ temoignage.image_path %}
  1246.                         {# {% set urlImage = "https://picsum.photos/200/300?random=" ~ random(1, 10) %} #}
  1247.                         {# {{ asset('assets/v3/images/review/' ~ temoignage.image_path ~ '') }} #}
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  1249.                         </a>
  1250.                         <p class="text-center lineHnormal pl-3"><small>{{ temoignage.temoignage_auteur }}</small></p>
  1251.                     </div>
  1252.                     <div class="ml-3 mr-2">
  1253.                         <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.pays_libelle|striptags|truncate(130, true)|raw }}</small></p>
  1254.                         <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.voyage_libelle|striptags|truncate(130, true)|raw }}</small></p>
  1255.                         {# <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.temoignage_date|date('d/m/Y')}} Par Odasie</small></p> #}
  1256.                         {# <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.temoignage_contenu|striptags|truncate(130, true)|raw }}.</small></p> #}
  1257.                         {# <p class="lineHnormal"><small>{{ temoignage.temoignage_points_forts|striptags|truncate(130, true)|raw }}</small></p> #}
  1258.                         <p class="lineHnormal">
  1259.                             <small>{{ temoignage.temoignage_contenu|striptags|truncate(130, true)|raw }}.</small>
  1260.                             <a href="{{ path('review_index', {'reviewId': temoignage.temoignage_id}) }}">Lire la suite</a>    
  1261.                         </p>
  1262.                     </div>
  1263.                 </div>
  1264.             {% endfor %}
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  1462.         // Par exemple, lancer une animation ou charger du contenu supplémentaire.
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  1486.             $(detailsMobile).each(function() {
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